
Most Popular Places to Eat in Pahalgam

Eating out in Pahalgam is all about Kashmiri delicacies or Wajwan as it is known in local Kashmiri language Pahalgam seafood has a lot to offer; Trout and sole are worth trying for fish lovers. Restaurants in Pahalgam serve dishes that exude wonderful aromas from each of its dishes, be it all-Indian cuisine with local Kashmiri dishes or international outlets Pahalgam is found in many restaurants, dhabas and coffee shops, and all have hotels, resorts and have one or more of their restaurants though. Located in the beautiful valley of Kashmir, Pahalgam is not only a destination for nature lovers but also a paradise for foodies. This guide will take you through Pahalgam’s must-try local foods, fine dining restaurants and vibrant street food stalls.


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