
A dad’s adventures with his young sons at San Diego attractions and more

Hey everyone! My name’s Devon Gibby, and I’m a content creator and avid traveler. But my favorite title? Dad to two curious preteen boys! This spring break, my sons and I swapped our snowy vistas of Utah for the sun-kissed shores of San Diego. Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a whirlwind tour through our escapades in a city that’s as rich in history as it is in vitamin D!

Uncovering History at the J.A. Cooley Museum

Our first stop was the J.A. Cooley Museum, a place where time travel seemed almost plausible. Who knew they had such a robust collection of classic cars and “horseless carriages?” My older son was fascinated by the antique cameras and the miniature worlds of the model train sets. What’s a family trip without a blast from the past? Spotting an antique John Deere toy tractor, a carbon copy of one from my dad’s childhood, was like finding a buried treasure. My youngest, on the other hand, was all giggles at the sight of an antique gas-powered pogo stick. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t want one of those after a day of museum hopping? It’s like San Diego knew we’d need a little extra bounce in our step.

Adventure Awaits at the USS Midway Museum

Next up was the USS Midway Museum, where the kids and I navigated a sea of naval wonders. The flight simulator was where the kids got their honorary wings, starting with a barrel roll that turned us upside down. Suddenly we weren’t just tourists; we were ace pilots from a bygone era. If our laughter could fuel flight, we’d have soared across the Pacific. The expansive flight deck, with its formidable combat planes, was impressive. We delved into the everyday life of sailors, from the bunks and kitchens to the command centers filled with radar and maps — my kids running from room to room, finding a new piece of history around every corner.

The Thrill of SeaWorld San Diego

At SeaWorld, the boys weren’t just in their element; they were on a mission to conquer every coaster with a zeal only preteens can muster. Manta was quite the ride, whipping us around with the force of an actual manta ray doing underwater acrobatics. And Arctic Rescue? Let’s just say we zipped through that snowy landscape faster than a pack of huskies, leaving us exhilarated and maybe a bit wind-blown. The boys gave the roller coasters rave reviews, and I can confirm that Dad thoroughly approved too! But it wasn’t all just about the thrills; we were enchanted by the shark tunnel and wowed by the dolphin and orca shows, learning about marine conservation along the way. Who knew sharks could be so mesmerizing? I almost forgot I was supposed to be scared of them.

Discoveries at Sea with San Diego Whale Watch

Our whale-watching tour with San Diego Whale Watch was nothing short of spectacular. With the sun kissing our faces and the wind in our hair, we set out along the coast, anticipating our encounter with the ocean’s gentle giants. While the whales played coy, the dolphins put on a lively show, racing alongside our boat and leaping through the waves. And let’s not forget the sea lions — the true lounge artists of the marine world. It all made for a great afternoon outing on the waves. At one point, with all the acrobatics from our dolphin friends, I was convinced they thought they were auditioning for “SeaWorld’s Got Talent.”

Seal Pup Season at La Jolla Cove

Our impromptu visit to La Jolla Cove was a scene stolen from a nature documentary, with harbor seals and their pups taking center stage. We watched their playful antics from a respectful distance, laughing as they bickered and lounged under the spring sun. As a parent, it was touching to watch other parents in nature — seal mothers looking after their young in this serene coastal nursery. It was a peek into a world where bickering over the best sunbathing spot is the day’s biggest drama. Watching those seal families, I couldn’t help but see a bit of us in them – minus the raw fish diet, of course.

Reflections and Recommendations

Reflecting on our San Diego getaway, it’s clear it has been a treasure trove of memories. We left with a greater appreciation for the animal kingdom, a sense of awe from our historical quests, and the bond of shared new experiences.

For those planning a trip to this vibrant city, I’d say balance your itinerary with both the known and the hidden gems. While landmarks such as Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo are must-visits, it’s the unexpected moments — like a feeding frenzy of dolphins, the hilarity of a gas-powered pogo stick, or testing our epic “pilot skills” on a flight simulator — that truly make a trip memorable.


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